Hi my friends,
We often ask me what is my work !?
It is complicated to answer them that I decided to travel after the end of my studies rather than work. I speak to people who don’t have the choice … Well I reply that I’m an engineer and right away they have the smile =).
On my side, I think my “job” is to create links, by telling you what is happening on the other side of the world! So I think a lot about how to transmit my adventure! Is it the landscapes, the history, the encounters or my vision of the environment that I discover that interest you the most?
Oops I was forgotten, but this trip is also the beginning of my project of company =) If you want to know more about it, read my project page!
This article will be different from previous ones hoping that it is more captivating and interesting … Good reading and do not hesitate to give me your opinion! =)
No I don’t ride at night, I sleep!
It is 5 pm, my body claims its well deserved rest, it is time to find a small meadow to spend the night ! But it’s not easy, because in the evening my legs do not want to move forward. And destiny makes that often during the day I cross through ideal areas for camping and at the end in the evening I’m close to a city or in an agricultural zone … In spite of that I am almost sure that you would be jealous of the view from the window of my room =)
The ritual begin ! I start by unpack my bags from the bike, planting the tent, storing my bag in the tent, changing clothes and by dint of exercise, I became a pro. I finish this first step in 30 minutes. This is essential as tonight when I am surrounded by evil black clouds. Oh I forgot, I also have to look for wood and twigs, wet it catch fire with more difficulty and the dinner may be cold.
Speaking of dinner, I usually start to cook around 7pm. My dishes are most of the time composed of vegetables, starchy and always a sweet dessert ! Yes I can eat whatever I want, my diet is the bike! With my wood stove, I brown onions, then I add tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, peppers … According to my mood. And then I cook starchy, in Ankara I bought 1 kg of boulghour, so tonight it will be … Boulghour accompanied by its small vegetables! And to finish spices; Salt, pepper, mint, curry …
« Bon appétit » of course! And without too much delay, around 9 pm I collapse of sleep.
My awakening is the sun! He never breaks down and if the light is not enough, he takes care to boil me in my sleeping bag to wake me up! At this time it happen around 7 o’clock and slowly without rushing my numb muscles I get out of my sleep. Oh my belly is already gargoyling (“but I gave you food last night ??”). After my breakfast, the tedious ritual of the room storage begins, and it is not a matter of putting everything in the closet. The place in my bags is counted, I hate this step which asks me to be rigorous too early in the morning =(. Around 9:30 am the guy and bamboo bike are ready, let’s ride to discover new countries !
There is a smell of rain!
Do you know that smell when it just start raining? The rain, touching the ground, shoot out the fragrances of the ground into the air. Today several times it is my nose that warned me of the drops to come. And during a few moments this phenomenon exalts the beauty of the landscape.
At other times, the clouds run after me! It’s a bit like the game “One, two, three, sun”, when I look at them, they do not move and as soon as I advance they throw me on … But bamboo bike is cunning, we analyze wind direction, our trajectory and we define our speed, where and when to take a break and if we will take on water tonight.
Once upon a time there was my first day in Albania, I was riding on a straight line, a storm was waiting patiently for me. I came out soaked, but the same evening started my extraordinary 4-month stay in Albania! You will understand that rain is not my enemy, but often the opportunity for a near future more radiant!
Salam alikoum
I didn’t cross a village without being asked to drink a tea, on the road they greet me and even some stop to say hello!
Isa the pigeon farmer was my first beautiful meeting during this stage
The evening of my departure from Ankara, I arrived in a suburb and find an uncultivated field. As soon I finisched settle down Isa appears as out of nowhere! He offered me to come to sleep at his place and gave me food. We went to drink tea together, then beers and peanuts. He offered me everything without giving me the opportunity to pay for tea or beers for example. The next morning he offered me another tea of course and we drink it in the school. I met the manager, the English teacher and I even spoke with the students in English! Thank you Isa, continues to smile it is heat-warming =)
My shepherd friends
I let you know, this evening was rich in emotions! I arrived in Akkus after 1500 m of vertical drop over 40 km, I was exhausted. Along the road, I perceive a large meadow, three people, I stop and I spoke to them. They are shepherds, delighted to see me and tell me that there is no worry to sleep here. I then spent the evening with them, sitting on blankets next to the fire drinking tea, laughing and trying to communicate. I let you admire the photos to see all that happened (attention to the sensitive souls).
Ali and Hami are 22 years old, they have not been to school and are shepherds. The difference between our lives is considerable, but I spent an evening with them as if we were from the same village. All our differences have been transformed into curiosity and a desire to understand the other. I felt that despite their elementary living conditions, they were happy and knew how to appreciate what nature gave them. It was a very strong moment, thank you for your welcome, my friends. I wish you courage, that luck be with you and part of me envy you to live in the middle of the mountain!
A crazy dream during a crazy night !
I walk in the countryside with Aurélie, a friend of my school, there are a few houses and lots of small fields. Aurélie works to deflect the course of a stream so that the fish can better go upstream. And suddenly big black clouds and huge stones hanging in the air appear on the horizon. These are extraterrestrials who want to verify that we cultivate the earth responsibly and biologically !! =) We got some strawberries in a greenhouse and we gave them. Arriving at the base of the pebbles, two meters from the ground, there is a mouth similar to a sheep. They said the strawberries were good! OUF =)
I let you act the way you want, but it is clear that we are watched, Mr Macron including, to whom I wish good luck!
Encore quelques cols à franchir avant de voir la mer noire! Elle sera encore un peu fraîche pour pouvoir t’y baigner. Ces temps çi, c’est la chaleur des rencontres qui apporte le plus. Comme continuation sur la route de nouvelles rencontres et de nouvelles émotions.
Salut Tony, continue à profiter de la chaleureuse hospitalité des Turcs et je pense que tu ne seras pas déçu non plus de celle des Iraniens, car si j’ai bonne mémoire c’est vers ce pays que tu te diriges. Je tiens l’information de Cyclotouristes qui sont passés par là. Bon courage et bonne continuation. Je me demande pourquoi je te souhaite bon courage parce que pour faire ce que tu fais il en faut des montagnes et tu en a plein en réserve. Bien amicalement.
Voici un “reportage” qui fait encore rêver. Ce parcours, ces paysages, ces rencontres sympathiques et même très chaleureuses (très loin des idées que nous nous faisons par ce que nous rapportent les médias), cela donne vraiment envie de faire un bout de chemin à tes côtés. Bon, je te rejoindrais beaucoup plus tard en haut des côtes, pour pour le reste, partant. Je suis content que tu ais retrouvé un moral et une pêche d’enfer. Merci de nous faire partager ton aventure, ce qui va être dur, c’est de retourner au boulot demain, dans une grande salle pour une réunion de trois heures à avaler des chiffres. Alors profites bien.
Bravo Tony reportage parfait ,merci de nous faire croire en l’Amitié et la fraternité de la race humaine
quels beaux paysages nous avons reçu , continu a nous faire rêver . Bon courage et bonne route.